Shanette Steel Frames

LGS Homes in Ireland: The Future of Sustainable Living

Thinking of building a home in Ireland? Looking for a modern, sustainable option? Look no further than Light Gauge Steel (LGS) construction from Shanette Steel Frames!

What is LGS?

LGS refers to cold-formed steel sections used to create the structural framework of a building. LGS construction offers a range of benefits for homeowners:

  • Durability: Steel is resistant to rot, termites, and warping, leading to a long lifespan for your home with minimal maintenance costs.
  • Speed of Construction: LGS frames can be prefabricated in a controlled environment, allowing for faster build times compared to traditional methods. This translates to less disruption and potentially lower overall project costs.
  • Superior Energy Efficiency: LGS framing allows for thicker insulation and a tighter building envelope, minimising air leaks and heat loss. This translates to lower energy bills and a reduced carbon footprint.

Sustainable Choice for a Sustainable Future

At Shanette Steel Frames, we are committed to eco-friendly practices:

  • Recycled Steel: A significant proportion of steel used in construction is recycled, minimising environmental impact.
  • Reduced Waste: LGS construction uses less material compared to traditional methods, leading to a smaller environmental footprint.

Benefits Beyond Sustainability

LGS construction offers additional advantages:

  • Design Flexibility: Steel allows for innovative and modern architectural designs, perfect for creating a unique and stylish home.
  • Fire Safety: Steel is a non-combustible material, offering a significant fire safety advantage over traditional timber frames.

Ready to Build Your Dream Home?

Contact us today to discuss your project and explore the possibilities of building a beautiful, sustainable, and energy-efficient home. We’ll answer your questions and guide you through the process, from initial design to completion.